Crayfish Accelerator Workshop: China Culture & Talent



A recent survey carried out by to over 100 British companies indicated that the major key risk and barrier to entering China is language and culture. Over 50% of the respondent said understanding the business culture was critical to their success thus far in China. Hence any business person looking to achieve commercial success in China would benefit from an understanding of Chinese philosophy, culture and business practices.


In addition, China has been through some challenges over the past decade in lacking a skilled labour force to meet the evolving needs of a modern business environment, and this issue is not likely to resolve itself quickly. Some people are also saying that foreign employers are losing their attractiveness for ambitious Chinese professionals. As a British business setting up or expanding in China, where do you find the talent you need to grow your business? What is the best way to employ them? And how do you keep them productive and loyal? What are the key points you need to be aware in the employment contract? Join this workshop and find out!


This workshop is part of our Crayfish Accelerator Programme. It aims to address the importance of understanding China culture and talent for businesses that are interested in or already trading with China. Conducted by our recommended expert, the workshop is practical, interactive and illuminating, with a strong focus on day-to-day China business matters. We will guide you through the important do’s and don’ts and will equip you with the comprehensive tools to interact confidently with your Chinese counterpart and to protect your business interest in China.


The agenda of the day:

Section 1

  1. Introduction to Chinese business culture and its influences
  2. 3 main principles of the culture: Key concepts of Chinese culture and philosophy
  3. Business etiquette – Role play

Section 2

  1. The employment market status in China for foreign employers
  2. Effective channels to recruit the talent you want
  3. How to attract and manage different groups of Chinese talent (age, gender, education etc): what are the motivational factors that influence the Chinese workforce especially the young generation?

China is a huge country and potentially a lucrative market, which deserves some time and special effort to understand and prepare.