Trademark Registration in China

Trademark Registration in China

Register your trademark to secure your ownership rights in one of the top markets in the world

Do I need to register a trademark in China?

For any business owner seeking to operate and sell their goods in China, registering a trademark in China as soon as possible is very important . China is a “first-to-file” jurisdiction, meaning that whoever registers a mark first is its rightful owner. An implication of this rule is that anyone can file a trademark, regardless of their true ownership of it, which leads to a phenomenon of “trademark squatting”, where actors register marks in bad faith, preventing rightful owners from enjoying their rights. For all foreign (and domestic) clients, our first advice is to register a trademark as early as possible to prevent future legal battles and ensure smooth business operation.

Scope of Work:

This service includes complete review and handling of your submitted materials. The experienced attorney will guide you and complete registration of one trademark in one class (with up to 10 goods) on which the mark is to be used.


  • Filing within 5 working days
  • Full attorney support
  • One trademark registration application


Quality guarantee

Do I need to register a trademark in China?

For any business owner seeking to operate and sell their goods in China, registering a trademark in China as soon as possible is very important . China is a “first-to-file” jurisdiction, meaning that whoever registers a mark first is its rightful owner. An implication of this rule is that anyone can file a trademark, regardless of their true ownership of it, which leads to a phenomenon of “trademark squatting”, where actors register marks in bad faith, preventing rightful owners from enjoying their rights. For all foreign (and domestic) clients, our first advice is to register a trademark as early as possible to prevent future legal battles and ensure smooth business operation.

Scope of Work:

This service includes complete review and handling of your submitted materials. The experienced attorney will guide you and complete registration of one trademark in one class (with up to 10 goods) on which the mark is to be used.

Our Online Service Delivery Process

  • 1. Project Confirmation

    Once we receive your order, one of our team will be in touch with you within one working day to confirm the project deliverables and timeframe.

  • 2. Work in Progress

    Work will be carried out and progressed according to the project scope described on this page or otherwise agreed with you.

  • 3. Project Communication

    You can send documents to the project team via our platform’s built-in-communication tool, and ask questions. We will keep you updated on the progress. Please check your messages when alerted.

  • 4. Delivered, On Time

    We will deliver the work to you according to the agreed deliverables and timeframe.


Once your trademark is filed with the China Trademark Office, the office will issue a receipt of the application within 1-3 months. The mark will then undergo an examination to determine its eligibility for registration, which usually takes approximately 9 months. If the office finds no grounds for absolute refusal, the mark is then published in the weekly gazette and the general public may file an opposition. This period lasts for 3 months, after which, if no opposition is filed, the mark is registered. 



  • Filing within 5 working days
  • Full attorney support
  • One trademark registration application


Quality guarantee